Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Notables 8/23/10

Notable things I remember about today. Hopefully I will do this everyday.

1) Woke up and my Dad had kindly sorted through my "cleaning out" pile.

2) I showered at 5pm, and ate "breakfast" at 6:45pm.

3) Got the new Xbox 360.

4) Card got denied due me not being in Oregon anymore.

5) Dude at Target who sold me the Xbox 360 was a SUPER CUTE nerd. I mean like, I was having trouble resisting asking him about his personal life. Man, he was cute. His name was Troy.

6) Worked on that hard drive issue a lot. Its 3am. Im still working on it.

7) Wound up on "The Hill" at 1am for Jimmy Johns. Dude in a window shouting to dudes on the street. He used the word faggot a lot, and yet his voice was quite high pitched. I giggled a little, understanding the circumstances, then moved on.

8) Tried Outlook 2011 for Mac today. It wouldnt work with my Oregon exchange account, so I called SAIT, and they had no clue. But they said they would keep my account open so I could be their guinea pig and help them test it. Yay!

Picture of the Day:
The Xbox 360 you wish you had: The Iron Man Xbox 360.

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