Friday, September 10, 2010

Random Thoughts

To say I have been watching a lot of Nip/Tuck lately would be an understatement. Ive ripped through 4 seasons of the damn thing in just over a week. Thats about 15 episodes per season at 46 minutes an episode, not counting the 1st season that consisted of 22 episodes and not counting that the first and last episode of each season are 20 minutes longer than normal on average. This is also not counting the time I have spent catching my Mom up on the show, who now likes to watch episodes with me.

Statistics aside, I get heavy doses every day of two individuals who have plenty of cash to throw around, and never REALLY have to worry about money.

And after I got over wishing I could be rich like them, another thought occurred to me.

What kind of life would I live if money really wasnt an issue at all?  What would I want to do with my life if I really didnt have to worry about money at all? What would really make me happy at the end of day?

These are the kinds of questions that friends and family have asked me to think about over the course of my life, but that I never really seriously gave thought to. Why should I? Money talks, and money makes a lot of things move. But perhaps something about my life-shift and heavy doses of this show have started to make think differently.

So I started thinking. And since the job market has been my priority question these last few weeks, I started with the job. What would I really be happy doing? What would really give me satisfaction? The funny thing is, I dont know if I would WANT to not be working, and just lay around all day. Ive been doing PLENTY of that for the last 3 weeks, and let me tell you, it sucks. I get to stay up all night doing whatever, sleep til 2 in the afternoon, and eat whatever I want, and do whatever I want, with no responsibility. And it feels like Im paralyzed. I cant stand it. So no, I cant just vacation forever.

I have to do something, and more importantly, I have to give back. Some of life's most fulfilling moments for me have always been when I have been giving back. I cant put my finger on what that would be yet, but I know its my calling. Whether I end up as tech support or a student affairs admin or a psychologist, Im going to be giving back.

So then I started to think about other things. What I might do with tons and tons of money. Id two things, I decided. First things first. Id buy the hottest night club in the city and pump tons of money into helping it grow. Then Id influence the setlist and make sure all the right songs were being played. Id set it up to be the most freeing club anyone had ever experienced. Im so tired of all these senseless songs that get played at clubs.

After that, Id probably buy my way into one of the top tech companies, most likely as a board member, and have access to all the latest gadgets before anyone else even heard of them. Id let them know what I want, and what consumers really want their gadgets to do.

Speaking of gadgets, the entire theme of my house would be advanced tech. Ive seen Disney's Smart House, so obviously I know what Im talking about. But the main thing that I know my house will have is a podium stand right in the middle of the front entrance hallway. So everyday when I came home from work, I would slide my iPod into this podium and the entire house would blast the music I was listening to. I hate being cut off from my music. There is nothing worse then getting kicked back to cold reality after being lost within a good song. Id also make sure LCDs lined every wall of the house. Enough of this pretending stuff. I want my house to bring the proper song visualization to life, and I want it to do it by reacting to my dictation. Cameras would capture my every movement, and the visuals on screen would react. Imagine making a ripple of light everytime you pointed at your wall. Then add in a high-BPM song, and its your own song garden.

Of course, for those rare occasions when Im not listening to a high octane song, Id settle for nature visuals, wind blowing through the trees, etc, etc. I do calm down every now and then.....

Oy. This is tiring. Im gonna cut this off here. But my point is (besides the house redesign and the club and tech purchase) that money doesnt really buy happiness. I cant buy my way into the right job for me, and I cant let money dictate what job I go for. Sean and Christian enjoy being plastic surgeons in Nip/Tuck, they didnt do it for the money outright. I dont want to be a plastic surgeon, and I dont want to be a lot of things that would make me absurdly rich. I just want to be happy, and I think the point of this whole blog post was to share that Im not afraid to find that job that makes me absurdly happy, even if money isnt a huge part of the equation. Money may buy some comfort items, such as a Smart House with mass speaker system and your own night club. But it cant buy fulfillment, and I think this year.... thats what I want to find. /Random.Thoughts.

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