9am. Rolled out of bed and jumped in the shower. Today was the day. The night before, I had asked two Apple stores if they had the new iPods in stock, and both said they had them, and would be selling them at 10am when they opened. So I had ran home and canceled my un-shipped iPod touch order from the Apple website. Why wait to get it Friday when I was DYING without it?
9:30. For various reasons, today was going to be a gay day, meaning my tight jeans from Express, club spanks from Calvin Klein (mirroring ones that Chris wears in a Skins episode), and that cute shirt that I bought from Hot Topic. So I spent a good amount of time getting ready and looking sharp. Hell, I even did my hair, which I hadnt done in weeks. I was getting my life back today; I had to look good when it happened.
9:55am. Right on time, I entered the parking garage in the Boulder mall, and parked. Wallet? Check. I was good to go.
10:03am. I strolled into the Apple store just past opening. I was shocked. There were already 20 people in the store!!! WTF! And Im not counting employees, there were legit 20 customers in the store already. And only one of them was buying an iPod. I waited behind the one guy buying an iPod for my turn.
10:04am. An agonizing 1 minute later, I finally made it to the front of the line. "64 GB iPod Touch please!" I said. "Oh, sorry," she replied, "We didnt get any of those." My heart fell out my ass, on to the floor, and rolled away. "Try online," she added. I couldnt speak, there was too much flame coming out my mouth. TRY ONLINE?????? YOU MEAN LIKE THAT ONLINE ORDER I JUST CANCELED LAST NIGHT???? I struggled to maintain my composure as I walked toward the exit, lightening and fire already coursing their way through my rib cage. I managed to catch my breath long enough to ask the concierge for the phone number for the nearest Apple store. This wasnt over. Not by a long shot.
10:06am. I dialed the next closest Apple store and was told I was 6th in line for my call to be answered. I turned on Bluetooth, jumped in my car, and sped off with the Chew Fu Ghettohouse remix of LoveGame blaring out my speakers.
10:18am. Im 5 minutes away from the Apple store, and someone finally picks up. I put back on my sweet, innocent voice. "Hi, do you have the new iPod Touches in stock?" I ask, not being specific yet out of fear for what the answer might be." "Yes," he replies. I continue, "......Do you have the 64 GB version?" Time seems to pause as I wait for his answer, aware that he holds my fate in his hands. "Yes." he says. Im assuming hes making a mistake, so I try to get more details, "How many of these do you have in stock?" "We arent allowed to give that information over the phone," he says, "But I would get here as soon as possible." With that answer, I knew he had them. If one store didnt have any, then any other store would only have a few in stock. I hung up and drove 50 MPH through the parking lot til I found a spot.
10:22am. I rushed into the store, not caring how diva-like my walk had become. I was about to stroke out, I needed my iPod back in my life, and fast. I walked up to the person selling the new iPods. I didnt even manage a complete sentence, "Hi.....64GB iPod please." And then. To my shock and horror, he replied, "Oh, Im sorry, we didnt get any in today." My lungs deflated a little. "But.... But..... I just spoke to someone who said they had them in!!!!!!" I may have been shrieking at this point, which is probably why the manager came over. "Can I help you?" he asked. "Yes!" I said, "I just called THIS STORE 5 minutes ago and someone in the back said you had the 64 GB iPod Touch in stock!!!!!" "Well I didnt see any this morning, so Im not sure who you talked to." he said calmly. I wish I could have maintained MY calm at this point, but I couldnt. I tried explaining again, "I just called THIS store and spoke to someone who said they had them to and to get here ASAP meaning there were only a few in stock, so Im assuming he knew he was talking about!" Finally, the manager got on his radio, and called the back room. "Do we have an 64 GB iPod Touches in stock?" He waited, and listened. "Nope," he said, "Im sorry but we dont have any." I didnt even have time to speak before his hands went back up to his ear to listen to his radio. Then his face looked really confused, and then he looked at me. "Oh." he said, "Apparently the delivery guy just dropped them off. Let me go get you one." I held my breathe. I had been through too much this morning to believe everything was going to be ok. I was going to wait until I had the damn thing in my hands to breathe a sigh of relief.
10:24am. The manager came back out with the 64 GB iPod Touch. I snatched it from him and examined it. Sure enough, it was the right one. THANK GOD, I thought.
10:26am. I strolled out of the Apple store with the iPod in one hand and the receipt in the other. Then I panicked and realized that my iPod was in plain sight and visible to other people. I childishly HID IT UNDER MY SHIRT and exited the mall. I walked quickly back to my car, fearful my iPod would be taken from me. I got in the car, shut the door, and locked it. Alone at last. Finally, I had my baby. Thats when I took this picture:
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First time alone with my iPod |
11:00am. I got home, ran upstairs, and grabbed my camera. I tried to record the whole unboxing process. The I found out iPods are not meant to be opened one-handed. So I ditched the idea pretty quickly, but not before some pretty embarrassing videos of me trying were produced. Im not showing those..... right now, anyways.
1pm: 2 hours later, my iPod had finally synced up. And I had managed to use that time rearranging all my apps. I created enough folders so that I went from 8 pages of apps to just 2 pages. I was pretty happy. A few more clicks, and my iPod was ready.
1:25pm. I headed downstairs to show my Dad and to compare it to his first-gen iPod touch. But he was busy, and I was being impatient. So I strolled out the door to show my Mom at her office.... 30 minutes away.
2:00pm. I drive up to my Mom's school, where I suddenly realized that Im all gayed out in front of 100 at-risk youth who are all court-ordered to go to this high school. Needless to say, they werent quite sure what the hell I was doing approaching them, and I could tell all the guys immediately felt the need to defend their own sexual orientation in front of their girlfriends. I wont repeat the comments, but its not like I took offense to them anyways.
2:01pm. I made it to my Mom's office. I showed off my iPod for a bit, then I sat down as my Mom handled other work she needed to do. And needing a chance to test out the 720p video recording, I proceeded to record this video below. You can tell I was messing with the focus and lighting a little bit:
2:30pm. Driving home listening to my music, I realize that my iPod now has a mic built in, so I no longer have to search for a different song while driving.... I can just use voice control and tell it what song to change to! I took a picture to demonstrate:
I squealed with delight after figuring this out. This was going to be the best iPod EVER.
The rest of the day, I just messed with my iPod touch a bit more. Playing games, trying out new features, etc.
5:30pm. I took another few videos, just for kicks. The first shows me with the front facing camera. The latter shows my parents not paying attention. Again, me being creepy. Although the look on my Moms face is PRICELESS. I edited that last bit and sent it to my sister.
7:30pm. I didnt get a picture, but my old supervisor called me using Facetime!!!! I wish I had snapped a screen shot so you could see, but alas, I did not. Ill have to grab it some other time.....
Anyways, it was a fun, exhausting day getting my life back in order, and Im still figuring out some cool new tricks to this iPod. Like, for example, I can install RINGTONES on it finally! It used for people call me on Facetime. I can have a ringtone for everyone that calls, so start calling me! If you have an iPod Touch or iPhone 4, then call me on Facetime using my Facetime-only email address: Ross.Logan@me.com
Comment on Facebook or something if you have any questions about the iPod!
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