Before I start my lovely rant, just you go ahead and watch the trailer for the American version:
Starting rant........ now:
Dear MTV,
Thanks for trying to create the American version of Skins. As a big fan of the original series in the UK, I was excited to hear about this new series coming to USA televisions.
However, after watching your preview, I have a few comments for you.
First of all, I was really disappointed to hear that you replaced the gay male character, Maxxie, with a female lesbian character, because Americans just wouldnt be too comfortable with a gay male character on TV. I mean, its not like America's youth are DYING due to lack of happy and positive gay male role models in the media. Oh wait....
Second, I noticed that you decided to do a line-by-line remake of the original. Which would have been splendid if you had chosen actors who could..... act. I mean seriously, I think me and my friends could have made a better remake using the original lines. You have an entire studio at your disposal, and this is what you come up with? Now that I have iMovie '11, just watch. I'll make a better trailer than the one you just made. Hell, Ill film the whole thing with my iPod.
Third. What kind of American remake are you making? Its not enough to replace accents and throw in cheerleading. The reason Skins was so amazing is because we were getting an exaggerated look at what British kids do for fun. An amazing American version would take an exaggerated look at what American kids do for fun, NOT what American kids look like when trying to reenact what British kids do for fun. Thats just dumb.
Fourth, and perhaps most importantly: By putting this on cable television, you are instantly cutting out half of what made Skins so damn amazing. Let me just show you an example of what Skins SHOULD look like:
And you think you can even bring a quarter of this energy to American televisions without the Parental Television Control groups breathing down your necks? Please.
Im not sure what you are trying to do by creating an American version of this show, but right now its just an utter embarrassment. And I hope to whatever that you dont think the whole series can go like this and get any kind of solid ratings.
Because seriously, if THIS is the shit you are trying to sell us, we might as well just buy the UK Skins DVD.
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