... But thats a different post, with pictures.
Right now I wanna talk about how I am slowly, but surely, conquering the Xbox 360 Slim Hard Drive.
The story starts with me being impatient. My room at home doesnt have an Ethernet port for me to plug my current Xbox 360 into. That means no Netflix Instant Streaming to my HDTV. However, I could go out and buy a wireless adapter for $100 bux that would make it work in my house, since my house has wireless.
Or I could buy the new $300 Xbox 360 Slim edition that has the wireless adapter built in.
Having money in my pocket, I promptly went out and bought the new Xbox 360 with a 250GB hard drive.
Now that I had my new Xbox, I needed to transfer all my old data from the old Xbox onto the new one.
So I went back to the store and bought a $20 transfer cable. (Remember, Im doing all this to avoid paying for the $100 adapter. Im saving money, right?)
So I came home and transferred all the data from my old Xbox to my new one.
Simple enough right?
Well, not quite. The Xboxs got to talking and decided they didnt want to transfer all my installed games from the hard drive, which is about 50GB of data. Well, that didnt sit ok with me. I was pissed.
I was super pissed. Thats dumb, I thought. There must be a way around this.
So I got to researching, and I found a program that will copy ANY data from one Xbox hard drive to a PC, and then back out to another Xbox hard drive.
So I got to work, slowly moving over all the data from the hard drive. This first part was simple enough, as the cable I bought from the store was a simple connect one end here, and the USB end to the PC. Done and done.
Then i went to repeat this process for the new Xbox 360 hard drive, the slim model.
Again, I was thrown a curve ball.
The new Xbox 360 slim hard drive uses a standard SATA port, instead of an eSATA port that the transfer cable uses. Another words, I couldnt just plug in the new hard drive to the cable.
Oh no. It wouldnt be that easy, laughed my new shiny hard drive.
But a thought occurred to me. This is a STANDARD SATA port. Couldnt I just plug in the hard drive to an external hard drive shell and run it through the USB port that the drive shells come with?
So around the house I went, grabbing every custom made external hard drive I could find, and ripping them apart. After ripping apart 3 of them, I finally found one that would work.
My little... contraption... is displayed below:
![]() |
Left: New Hard Drive. Right: Old Hard Drive |
And this, sadly, was only half the battle. Now I am patiently waiting as each file uploads back to the new hard drive, carefully coding each folder to match the 8 hexi-decimal code so that the new Xbox can read it right.
Its been 2 hours, and Im not even done with the first set of files. There are EIGHT sets of files. Oy vey, I dont even know if this will work yet!
But Im proud of myself though. Even when the Xbox said no, I said yes, and I pushed til I got the answer I want.
Side note: My dad will kinda be pissed when he finds out ultimately it was his hard drive shell I had to take apart for my contraption to work. Oops. Ill put it back together before I go to bed.
More posts to come soon! Especially one Im excited to write about dealing with parents hosting drinking parties. It will very much be a Student Affairs post, and Ill be excited for feedback!
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