So,my bad for not keeping up the notables this week. But not much has happened. My days end at 4:30am and start again at 1pm, and i really dont eat until 5pm. Then i do a couple things, watch Nip/Tuck, play some video games, then enter gay chat rooms and try to find new friends.
Heres whats been going on in my life:
1) Yes, I still need to write that SA article i posted about. Im getting on it, k? Right now ive been enjoying discussing it with my family and friends, and getting their feedback. Man, I love this field.
2) Ive been logging into gay chat rooms (not Manhunt, thank you very much) and trying to find new gay males to connect with. For me, gay friends have always been exciting (think "Ohh Shiny!"). So one of my goals now that im closer to a metropolitan area is to make new gay friends. Im so determined. And so far I have made 4. A new gay friend every night, except for one night where I made 2 in one night. No hang out dates yet, but i'll get there. baby steps.
3) Ive gotten paid and got my car washed. Oh so shiny. Loves it.
4) Ive been getting reacquainted with Boulder, and its NOT the town I once knew. Good god no. Its full of rich snobs with too much money that all walk around with a sense of entitlement like they are better than everyone. Another words, I see too much of the worst side of myself, and its like a freaking reflection everywhere, because I know it wasnt all that long ago when i walked around Eugene with the same sense of self-satisfaction.
But this is over drive. I mean its like someone let the bros of fraternities and the sassies of sororities and exploded them all over CU campus and all over town. In Eugene, we had a place for people like that. We called it Taylors. But here in Boulder, they are EVERYWHERE! And im trying SO HARD not to feel hatred in my heart. So difficult.
And all I keep asking myself is why. Why do I feel this way? Is it because I grew up in this town and feel a sense of loss at what its become? Is it because I see so much of my former self in these people? Is it because I know I would never fit in? Is it because I can imagine what a pain these students would be to work with professionally? Whatever the reason, Im so sick of it. Its part of the reason I dont venture out to town too much. Imagine everyone looking nice everywhere you go. Everyone in a polo or a dress shirt or some sort of high end fashion. Its endless. Its an endless bubble. Oy.
5) I had lunch with an Orgeon friend who went to high school with me as well, and is also back in town. We got to discuss what has changed in town, and what we miss about Eugene. Shes really neat and we are going to the gay clubs tomorrow, which im excited for.
6) I went to the bars tonight with an old high school friend. He agreed with me completely about the Boulder scene, and even though I like my thoughts to be validated, its not really what I wanted to hear. I wanted to hear a solution, not an agreement that there is a problem.
7) Im thinking of becoming an LGBTQ resource counselor at my Mom's school. Shes the assistant principle at a 2nd chance high school for at-risk youth. All kids who are involved legally, and many of whom were court ordered to be there. Id love the opportunity, as well as Id love to get out of Boulder until I get a job.
8) I have friends who work in retail at Apple, and they are both trying to get me a job, and im trying not to be impatient. But you know me. A week without a job is a week too long. Im dying to get back into a routine. Yes. I like staying up late. But then my life feels..... like a void. All there is is time.... lots and lots of time. Not good for me. I need to stay busy. Thats also why im going to work with my Mom. Even if only for a month or so, I need something to do. And I think being the LGBTQ resource counselor for at-risk youth is something good.
Ok, there are your notables for this week. Blog on hiatus right now. Once I have my schedule back, aka a real job, Ill get back to posting more often.
A blog about pop culture, photographs, vivid ideas, and cool new technology. All this boiled down, fried on a stick, sprinkled with glitter, and served to you in bite size, basic pieces. Well, basically anyways.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Notables 8/23/10
Notable things I remember about today. Hopefully I will do this everyday.
1) Woke up and my Dad had kindly sorted through my "cleaning out" pile.
2) I showered at 5pm, and ate "breakfast" at 6:45pm.
3) Got the new Xbox 360.
4) Card got denied due me not being in Oregon anymore.
5) Dude at Target who sold me the Xbox 360 was a SUPER CUTE nerd. I mean like, I was having trouble resisting asking him about his personal life. Man, he was cute. His name was Troy.
6) Worked on that hard drive issue a lot. Its 3am. Im still working on it.
7) Wound up on "The Hill" at 1am for Jimmy Johns. Dude in a window shouting to dudes on the street. He used the word faggot a lot, and yet his voice was quite high pitched. I giggled a little, understanding the circumstances, then moved on.
8) Tried Outlook 2011 for Mac today. It wouldnt work with my Oregon exchange account, so I called SAIT, and they had no clue. But they said they would keep my account open so I could be their guinea pig and help them test it. Yay!
Picture of the Day:
1) Woke up and my Dad had kindly sorted through my "cleaning out" pile.
2) I showered at 5pm, and ate "breakfast" at 6:45pm.
3) Got the new Xbox 360.
4) Card got denied due me not being in Oregon anymore.
5) Dude at Target who sold me the Xbox 360 was a SUPER CUTE nerd. I mean like, I was having trouble resisting asking him about his personal life. Man, he was cute. His name was Troy.
6) Worked on that hard drive issue a lot. Its 3am. Im still working on it.
7) Wound up on "The Hill" at 1am for Jimmy Johns. Dude in a window shouting to dudes on the street. He used the word faggot a lot, and yet his voice was quite high pitched. I giggled a little, understanding the circumstances, then moved on.
8) Tried Outlook 2011 for Mac today. It wouldnt work with my Oregon exchange account, so I called SAIT, and they had no clue. But they said they would keep my account open so I could be their guinea pig and help them test it. Yay!
Picture of the Day:
The Xbox 360 you wish you had: The Iron Man Xbox 360. |
Monday, August 23, 2010
How I Conquered the Xbox 360 Slim Hard Drive
Wow, what a wild past couple of days. Ive been cleaning like crazy, trying to get adjusted back to life in Boulder, CO. But that meant first moving my 19-year old self old OUT of my room before my 23 year old self could move in.
... But thats a different post, with pictures.
Right now I wanna talk about how I am slowly, but surely, conquering the Xbox 360 Slim Hard Drive.
The story starts with me being impatient. My room at home doesnt have an Ethernet port for me to plug my current Xbox 360 into. That means no Netflix Instant Streaming to my HDTV. However, I could go out and buy a wireless adapter for $100 bux that would make it work in my house, since my house has wireless.
Or I could buy the new $300 Xbox 360 Slim edition that has the wireless adapter built in.
Having money in my pocket, I promptly went out and bought the new Xbox 360 with a 250GB hard drive.
Now that I had my new Xbox, I needed to transfer all my old data from the old Xbox onto the new one.
So I went back to the store and bought a $20 transfer cable. (Remember, Im doing all this to avoid paying for the $100 adapter. Im saving money, right?)
So I came home and transferred all the data from my old Xbox to my new one.
Simple enough right?
Well, not quite. The Xboxs got to talking and decided they didnt want to transfer all my installed games from the hard drive, which is about 50GB of data. Well, that didnt sit ok with me. I was pissed.
I was super pissed. Thats dumb, I thought. There must be a way around this.
So I got to researching, and I found a program that will copy ANY data from one Xbox hard drive to a PC, and then back out to another Xbox hard drive.
So I got to work, slowly moving over all the data from the hard drive. This first part was simple enough, as the cable I bought from the store was a simple connect one end here, and the USB end to the PC. Done and done.
Then i went to repeat this process for the new Xbox 360 hard drive, the slim model.
Again, I was thrown a curve ball.
The new Xbox 360 slim hard drive uses a standard SATA port, instead of an eSATA port that the transfer cable uses. Another words, I couldnt just plug in the new hard drive to the cable.
Oh no. It wouldnt be that easy, laughed my new shiny hard drive.
But a thought occurred to me. This is a STANDARD SATA port. Couldnt I just plug in the hard drive to an external hard drive shell and run it through the USB port that the drive shells come with?
So around the house I went, grabbing every custom made external hard drive I could find, and ripping them apart. After ripping apart 3 of them, I finally found one that would work.
My little... contraption... is displayed below:
So as you can see, the old hard drive plugged into the cable as didnt need any mess. The one on the left, however, the new shiny black hard drive, needed some.... tender loving care.
And this, sadly, was only half the battle. Now I am patiently waiting as each file uploads back to the new hard drive, carefully coding each folder to match the 8 hexi-decimal code so that the new Xbox can read it right.
Its been 2 hours, and Im not even done with the first set of files. There are EIGHT sets of files. Oy vey, I dont even know if this will work yet!
But Im proud of myself though. Even when the Xbox said no, I said yes, and I pushed til I got the answer I want.
Side note: My dad will kinda be pissed when he finds out ultimately it was his hard drive shell I had to take apart for my contraption to work. Oops. Ill put it back together before I go to bed.
More posts to come soon! Especially one Im excited to write about dealing with parents hosting drinking parties. It will very much be a Student Affairs post, and Ill be excited for feedback!
... But thats a different post, with pictures.
Right now I wanna talk about how I am slowly, but surely, conquering the Xbox 360 Slim Hard Drive.
The story starts with me being impatient. My room at home doesnt have an Ethernet port for me to plug my current Xbox 360 into. That means no Netflix Instant Streaming to my HDTV. However, I could go out and buy a wireless adapter for $100 bux that would make it work in my house, since my house has wireless.
Or I could buy the new $300 Xbox 360 Slim edition that has the wireless adapter built in.
Having money in my pocket, I promptly went out and bought the new Xbox 360 with a 250GB hard drive.
Now that I had my new Xbox, I needed to transfer all my old data from the old Xbox onto the new one.
So I went back to the store and bought a $20 transfer cable. (Remember, Im doing all this to avoid paying for the $100 adapter. Im saving money, right?)
So I came home and transferred all the data from my old Xbox to my new one.
Simple enough right?
Well, not quite. The Xboxs got to talking and decided they didnt want to transfer all my installed games from the hard drive, which is about 50GB of data. Well, that didnt sit ok with me. I was pissed.
I was super pissed. Thats dumb, I thought. There must be a way around this.
So I got to researching, and I found a program that will copy ANY data from one Xbox hard drive to a PC, and then back out to another Xbox hard drive.
So I got to work, slowly moving over all the data from the hard drive. This first part was simple enough, as the cable I bought from the store was a simple connect one end here, and the USB end to the PC. Done and done.
Then i went to repeat this process for the new Xbox 360 hard drive, the slim model.
Again, I was thrown a curve ball.
The new Xbox 360 slim hard drive uses a standard SATA port, instead of an eSATA port that the transfer cable uses. Another words, I couldnt just plug in the new hard drive to the cable.
Oh no. It wouldnt be that easy, laughed my new shiny hard drive.
But a thought occurred to me. This is a STANDARD SATA port. Couldnt I just plug in the hard drive to an external hard drive shell and run it through the USB port that the drive shells come with?
So around the house I went, grabbing every custom made external hard drive I could find, and ripping them apart. After ripping apart 3 of them, I finally found one that would work.
My little... contraption... is displayed below:
![]() |
Left: New Hard Drive. Right: Old Hard Drive |
And this, sadly, was only half the battle. Now I am patiently waiting as each file uploads back to the new hard drive, carefully coding each folder to match the 8 hexi-decimal code so that the new Xbox can read it right.
Its been 2 hours, and Im not even done with the first set of files. There are EIGHT sets of files. Oy vey, I dont even know if this will work yet!
But Im proud of myself though. Even when the Xbox said no, I said yes, and I pushed til I got the answer I want.
Side note: My dad will kinda be pissed when he finds out ultimately it was his hard drive shell I had to take apart for my contraption to work. Oops. Ill put it back together before I go to bed.
More posts to come soon! Especially one Im excited to write about dealing with parents hosting drinking parties. It will very much be a Student Affairs post, and Ill be excited for feedback!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Last Week in Oregon
Hey friends! A sad post today, but I wanted to update my blog with something since this past week has been so busy.
This is my last week in Oregon, so Im really busy saying goodbye to friends and packing up my room. But as always, Ive got a good song in my pocket to help commemorate the moment. Well, help describe how I feel about the saying goodbye anyways.
Ill be posting a couple music videos like these all week, but I think they're good songs, so give them a listen!
First up - one of my favorite and most cherished 80's songs, as this song actually hit #1 on the Billboard on the DAY I WAS BORN. And everyone knows I love symbolic sh%t. This was the song that helped me get through this past Spring when I was unsure about my future, and the song that helped me write my speech for Graduation. And lastly, this is the song that I dedicated to my bestie, and listening to this song reminds me that we've got our whole lifetime ahead of us and that no matter where we end up, we'll come out on top and friends to the end. Something like that.
This is my last week in Oregon, so Im really busy saying goodbye to friends and packing up my room. But as always, Ive got a good song in my pocket to help commemorate the moment. Well, help describe how I feel about the saying goodbye anyways.
Ill be posting a couple music videos like these all week, but I think they're good songs, so give them a listen!
First up - one of my favorite and most cherished 80's songs, as this song actually hit #1 on the Billboard on the DAY I WAS BORN. And everyone knows I love symbolic sh%t. This was the song that helped me get through this past Spring when I was unsure about my future, and the song that helped me write my speech for Graduation. And lastly, this is the song that I dedicated to my bestie, and listening to this song reminds me that we've got our whole lifetime ahead of us and that no matter where we end up, we'll come out on top and friends to the end. Something like that.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Music from BPM: Man in the Moon by Fragma (Duderstadt Remix)
The original is from 2002, but this remix just hit recently. Give it a go!
Well, Basically: 4/5
Well, Basically: 4/5
Question: How Did You Make Questions?
So, for the past few weeks, i have been OBSESSED with the Old Spice commercial, Questions. And I have been dying to know, how did he pull it off!
Well thank goodness my buddies G4 and Attack of the Show, did an interview with the Old Spice dude to get those questions answered!
Enjoy below!
Well thank goodness my buddies G4 and Attack of the Show, did an interview with the Old Spice dude to get those questions answered!
Enjoy below!
If Lady Gaga came to the Office....
OMG - awesome video @LadyGaga just tweeted about. Check it out below!
Well, Basically: Its awesome, you should watch it.
Well, Basically: Its awesome, you should watch it.
Music from BPM: Club Can't Handle Me by Flo Rida
My favorite dance station on Earth, by far, is the SiriusXM station BPM, playing dance hits all day, all night. Its the only reason I keep my SiriusXM subscription to be honest. Its just the best, and is constantly keeping me in the loop with the latest dance, trance, electronic awesomeness.
And pretty much every week, or every other week, Im discovering something new that really gets me going. Tonight while driving home, this song came on the radio, and I wanted to share.
Now Im sure many of you have heard this before, so what Ill also start doing when I share new music is also give it a rating, just so you know how I really feel about this song. If I post about it, then it means I probably like it, and will listen to it a few times. But it doesnt mean I love it.
Like this song. This song is good, but not amazing.
This song is getting a Well, Basically score of 3.5/5
Source: Wikipedia |
Now Im sure many of you have heard this before, so what Ill also start doing when I share new music is also give it a rating, just so you know how I really feel about this song. If I post about it, then it means I probably like it, and will listen to it a few times. But it doesnt mean I love it.
Like this song. This song is good, but not amazing.
This song is getting a Well, Basically score of 3.5/5
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Night Time Fire
I would dive TOO much into this, but at night, I feel like Im so much more alive than during the day. And to add to that, most of time I feel like a completely different person too.
At night, there are thoughts that seem logical to me that WOULDNT seem logical to me during the day. Its really common for me to wake up the next morning thinking, "Im glad I didnt do that." And we arent talking sobriety levels either. All these thoughts are had while stone-cold-sober. No drugs, no alcohol.
And yet something about me at night feels so different.... thinks so different.
So I couldnt end the evening without sharing two recent thoughts.
One is Zac Efron in this particular picture.
And the other one is of this commercial, which I know most of us enjoy watching, over, and over again.
Something about these videos seem to feed the night time fire I experience. Or maybe they start it. Im not sure. Anyways, Im sure most of you will enjoy these items as well.
And if you were craving something funny, look no further than this:
At night, there are thoughts that seem logical to me that WOULDNT seem logical to me during the day. Its really common for me to wake up the next morning thinking, "Im glad I didnt do that." And we arent talking sobriety levels either. All these thoughts are had while stone-cold-sober. No drugs, no alcohol.
And yet something about me at night feels so different.... thinks so different.
So I couldnt end the evening without sharing two recent thoughts.
One is Zac Efron in this particular picture.
Source: PerezHilton |
Something about these videos seem to feed the night time fire I experience. Or maybe they start it. Im not sure. Anyways, Im sure most of you will enjoy these items as well.
And if you were craving something funny, look no further than this:
Its Real: Shcool Crossing
Source: PerezHilton |
The Future of Vending Machines
Source: Impress |
Now thats a vending machine I wanna use.
See America? Start importing stuff like that. Or at the very least, import more credit card vending machines. I dont have quarters or cash, OK?! I have my school ID, my drivers license, and my credit cards. The only way you could still make me pay in quarters is if you had a big touch screen, like that one above. Then Id prolly bug someone for change so I could use the machine. I mean, really, would you pass up a machine like this just because you didnt have change? I didnt think so.
Well, basically: Its a cool machine.
On the iPhone, Verizon and all these "January release" rumors
I know I have already talked about this in the past on Facebook, but the rumor mill REALLY has been speeding up now with post after post talking about the iPhone coming to Verizon in January. Even my own SA boss, who doesnt follow this kind of news, emailed me to ask me if I was getting the new iPhone in January. I had to politely respond to her that it wasnt going to happen, but she just wasnt convinced.
So allow me to lay it out for you here, everything I know about the Verizon/iPhone rumors, including the most recent ones to pop up just today. And Ill make a point to quote what the experts are saying (which is what Ive been saying all along).
Ok, to start, everyone knows a couple of things. First, the Apple iPhone is wildly successful. Second, the iPhone is locked to AT&T in USA, but in other countries you can choose what carrier you get your iPhone on. Lastly, AT&T and Verizon are the two core wireless companies in the USA, so everyone assumes that the iPhone will eventually come to Verizon.
And way back in 2006, Apple approached Verizon FIRST to carry its iPhone on its network, and Verizon said no. Apple wanted complete control over its software, while Verizon was too locked into its VZApps to let those go. So Apple and Verizon failed to reach a deal, and Apple when to AT&T, and the rest is history.
Until 2007, when AT&T started having troubles with so many iPhones on its network. Thats when, purportedly, Apple started rethinking sticking with AT&T, and seriously considered moving to Verizon alltogether. Course, that would have meant creating a CDMA iPhone, which didnt exist at the time. And a whole bunch of other problems too. If you are really interested, you can read the whole she-bang here. Im skipping over this part of the backstory cuz really, what does it matter? It didnt happen, and the main reason Apple stayed with AT&T anyways still had to do with one thing: the 5 year exclusivity contract between the two companies. And if Apple had bailed, it wouldnt have been pretty.
Lets skip forward to today, and all these rumors about the now apparently existent CDMA iPhone, and why people keep saying that this is the signal that the iPhone is coming to Verizon is January.
First of all, most of you, like my father on repeat occasions, needs a quick lesson in the ABC jumbo of wireless frequencies, and what all this CDMA GSM LTE 4G stuff means.
Lets start with GSM. GSM is the frequency used by most of the world for cell phone networks. Its vastly popular, and wide spread. In the USA, companies like T-Mobile and AT&T use GSM frequencies, complete with SIM cards that is the standard for GSM of tracking who is who is a cell phone. Your number is tied to your SIM card, not your phone. So if you pop out your SIM card and put it in another phone, boom there ya go. So when Apple wanted to launch the iPhone internationally, it was very easy to do so because the rest of the world already ran on GSM frequencies.
CDMA is an extremely unpopular wireless frequency used mainly in two places. The first is in USA with Verizon and Sprint, and the second is in China, where CDMA is heavily used. Everywhere else, CDMA frequencies are pretty scarce. So if Apple wanted to bring the iPhone to Verizon or Sprint or China, then it would need to re-tweak the iPhone with some new hardware to read CDMA frequencies. As of right now, no CDMA version of the iPhone is in existence.
Which is where all these rumors come in. Everyone has been hearing that Apple is about ready to enter production of their CDMA iPhone. And to everyone in America, this gives instant hope that Apple is about ready to give Verizon the iPhone.
Here are some of the reasons they think this:
1) Apple has a Verizon CDMA tour installed on their home campus in Cupertino, which was installed for testing of CDMA devices.
2) Apple has long been in talks with Verizon, and Apple AND Verizon both have a lot to gain by releasing an iPhone for Verizon.
So of course, everyone thinks the Apple making CDMA iPhones means that Verizon will be getting it in January when the CDMA version is released.
Well, I dont think so. And it all revolves around one core element. 4G and LTE.
Many of you know what 3G is. Its what wireless companies shove down our throats as we sit and watch TV, telling how us fast their 3G network is.
And you probably know what 4G is too, thanks to Sprint shoving its new 4G network down our throats as well. And yes, 4G is about 10 times faster than 3G. Once 4G is nation-wide, you will LITERALLY have ethernet connection speeds wirelessly, anywhere you are. Really. And Sprint decided to partner with ClearWire, a WiMAX-frequency company, to start delivering 4G to its mobile wireless customers. And so Sprint took off as the first 4G deployer.
But Verizon (and all the other wireless companies) also have plans for 4G. Verizon is actually going to be next to bring the 4G, in the form of whats called LTE. LTE is also going to have blistering fast speeds, but will NOT operate on the same frequencies as WiMAX.
So yes, just like GSM and CDMA both provided 3G speeds, but on different frequencies, LTE and WiMAX will provide 4G speeds, but also on different frequencies.
AT&T has also announced that it will start building its 4G network as well, and has decided to use LTE as well as its frequency of choice for 4G.
THIS MEANS - In a few short years time, Verizon and AT&T will no longer be on different frequencies. They will be on the SAME frequency. Meaning that once the iPhone jumps to 4G and is LTE capable, it will be SIMPLE to pop out an AT&T sim card and pop in a Verizon sim card.
So yes, Verizon WILL get the iPhone, but not yet. And why?
Verizon is set to launch its 4G network in January (data only right now). LTE is NOWHERE near ready to be put in cell phones yet.
Why would Verizon launch a CDMA only iPhone in January, a HUGE profile device, when its trying to get people to pay attention to its new LTE-4G network?
And people also forget, China is also on CDMA frequencies. Dont you think its possible that China would be the one getting all these orders?
After all is said and done, it just doesnt make logical sense for Apple to make a CDMA iPhone for Verizon when Verizon will be ditching CDMA alltogether quite soon. And it doesnt make sense for Verizon to want the iPhone now when its taking the world by storm with Android right now, AND its LTE network is launching in January.
Sorry folks. No one wants this more than me, but it just aint happening. Maybe one day in January, we will all be holding Big-Red's iPhone. But it wont be this January.
Well, Basically: A CDMA iPhone is probably coming in January, but even if it is, it wont be for Verizon.
So allow me to lay it out for you here, everything I know about the Verizon/iPhone rumors, including the most recent ones to pop up just today. And Ill make a point to quote what the experts are saying (which is what Ive been saying all along).
Ok, to start, everyone knows a couple of things. First, the Apple iPhone is wildly successful. Second, the iPhone is locked to AT&T in USA, but in other countries you can choose what carrier you get your iPhone on. Lastly, AT&T and Verizon are the two core wireless companies in the USA, so everyone assumes that the iPhone will eventually come to Verizon.
And way back in 2006, Apple approached Verizon FIRST to carry its iPhone on its network, and Verizon said no. Apple wanted complete control over its software, while Verizon was too locked into its VZApps to let those go. So Apple and Verizon failed to reach a deal, and Apple when to AT&T, and the rest is history.
Source: Engadget |
Until 2007, when AT&T started having troubles with so many iPhones on its network. Thats when, purportedly, Apple started rethinking sticking with AT&T, and seriously considered moving to Verizon alltogether. Course, that would have meant creating a CDMA iPhone, which didnt exist at the time. And a whole bunch of other problems too. If you are really interested, you can read the whole she-bang here. Im skipping over this part of the backstory cuz really, what does it matter? It didnt happen, and the main reason Apple stayed with AT&T anyways still had to do with one thing: the 5 year exclusivity contract between the two companies. And if Apple had bailed, it wouldnt have been pretty.
Lets skip forward to today, and all these rumors about the now apparently existent CDMA iPhone, and why people keep saying that this is the signal that the iPhone is coming to Verizon is January.
First of all, most of you, like my father on repeat occasions, needs a quick lesson in the ABC jumbo of wireless frequencies, and what all this CDMA GSM LTE 4G stuff means.
Lets start with GSM. GSM is the frequency used by most of the world for cell phone networks. Its vastly popular, and wide spread. In the USA, companies like T-Mobile and AT&T use GSM frequencies, complete with SIM cards that is the standard for GSM of tracking who is who is a cell phone. Your number is tied to your SIM card, not your phone. So if you pop out your SIM card and put it in another phone, boom there ya go. So when Apple wanted to launch the iPhone internationally, it was very easy to do so because the rest of the world already ran on GSM frequencies.
CDMA is an extremely unpopular wireless frequency used mainly in two places. The first is in USA with Verizon and Sprint, and the second is in China, where CDMA is heavily used. Everywhere else, CDMA frequencies are pretty scarce. So if Apple wanted to bring the iPhone to Verizon or Sprint or China, then it would need to re-tweak the iPhone with some new hardware to read CDMA frequencies. As of right now, no CDMA version of the iPhone is in existence.
Which is where all these rumors come in. Everyone has been hearing that Apple is about ready to enter production of their CDMA iPhone. And to everyone in America, this gives instant hope that Apple is about ready to give Verizon the iPhone.
Here are some of the reasons they think this:
1) Apple has a Verizon CDMA tour installed on their home campus in Cupertino, which was installed for testing of CDMA devices.
2) Apple has long been in talks with Verizon, and Apple AND Verizon both have a lot to gain by releasing an iPhone for Verizon.
So of course, everyone thinks the Apple making CDMA iPhones means that Verizon will be getting it in January when the CDMA version is released.
Well, I dont think so. And it all revolves around one core element. 4G and LTE.
Many of you know what 3G is. Its what wireless companies shove down our throats as we sit and watch TV, telling how us fast their 3G network is.
And you probably know what 4G is too, thanks to Sprint shoving its new 4G network down our throats as well. And yes, 4G is about 10 times faster than 3G. Once 4G is nation-wide, you will LITERALLY have ethernet connection speeds wirelessly, anywhere you are. Really. And Sprint decided to partner with ClearWire, a WiMAX-frequency company, to start delivering 4G to its mobile wireless customers. And so Sprint took off as the first 4G deployer.
But Verizon (and all the other wireless companies) also have plans for 4G. Verizon is actually going to be next to bring the 4G, in the form of whats called LTE. LTE is also going to have blistering fast speeds, but will NOT operate on the same frequencies as WiMAX.
So yes, just like GSM and CDMA both provided 3G speeds, but on different frequencies, LTE and WiMAX will provide 4G speeds, but also on different frequencies.
AT&T has also announced that it will start building its 4G network as well, and has decided to use LTE as well as its frequency of choice for 4G.
THIS MEANS - In a few short years time, Verizon and AT&T will no longer be on different frequencies. They will be on the SAME frequency. Meaning that once the iPhone jumps to 4G and is LTE capable, it will be SIMPLE to pop out an AT&T sim card and pop in a Verizon sim card.
So yes, Verizon WILL get the iPhone, but not yet. And why?
Verizon is set to launch its 4G network in January (data only right now). LTE is NOWHERE near ready to be put in cell phones yet.
Why would Verizon launch a CDMA only iPhone in January, a HUGE profile device, when its trying to get people to pay attention to its new LTE-4G network?
And people also forget, China is also on CDMA frequencies. Dont you think its possible that China would be the one getting all these orders?
After all is said and done, it just doesnt make logical sense for Apple to make a CDMA iPhone for Verizon when Verizon will be ditching CDMA alltogether quite soon. And it doesnt make sense for Verizon to want the iPhone now when its taking the world by storm with Android right now, AND its LTE network is launching in January.
Sorry folks. No one wants this more than me, but it just aint happening. Maybe one day in January, we will all be holding Big-Red's iPhone. But it wont be this January.
Well, Basically: A CDMA iPhone is probably coming in January, but even if it is, it wont be for Verizon.
A haxxed 1st post
This first post is a hold over, and an official transition notice. Tonight I was blogging on Facebook, writing a really great post about Skins. Everything was fine, until I noticed that Facebook cut me off and deleted half my original post.
So I threw in the towel, broke down, and decided to start officially blogging.
I know a first post should be new content, but as they say in Skins, "F*%K it." So here is a copy of what Facebook managed to save. Oh, did I mention? I didnt rewrite anything. Yep, so sorry if you thought you were going to see an extended post. Nope. Here ya go.
So over the weekend, with lots of time to kill, I started (and finished) a show called Skins, which is a show aired in Britain (and available on Netflix Instant Watch).
After that, I started talking about my researching gay culture in Britain, how I wanted to post Maxxie, blah blah blah.
Can you tell I hate re-writing what was once there but was then erased? Yea, dont expect me to do a whole lotta edits.
Thats why I like blogging. Its a free-flow write-fest, and it all just comes out.
So basically, thats my first post. Lets see how it turned out in the preview!
Oooh! I like it, i like it! Now I just need to figure out how to edit font and stuff.... oh well.
So I threw in the towel, broke down, and decided to start officially blogging.
I know a first post should be new content, but as they say in Skins, "F*%K it." So here is a copy of what Facebook managed to save. Oh, did I mention? I didnt rewrite anything. Yep, so sorry if you thought you were going to see an extended post. Nope. Here ya go.
Mitchell Scott Hewer |
So over the weekend, with lots of time to kill, I started (and finished) a show called Skins, which is a show aired in Britain (and available on Netflix Instant Watch).
At its core, Skins is a Teen Drama. Unlike USA Teen Dramas, however, Skins isnt afraid to explore issues that Americans would sue over showing on TV. S...kins is the show HBO or Showtime would make, if they were interested in creating one. I suppose Skins sort of reminds me of Degrassi, but Ive never really watched that show, so I cant really make that connection.... or compare them.... like I just did.
Anyways, after watching Skins, Ive kinda become obsessed with the show as a whole. The real reasons I like Skins take up more than Im willing to shell out in this small Facebook post, but a lot of it has to do with the core differences between what USA is willing to show and Skins shows. So I guess you could say what I became obsessed with over the weekend is Britain, and started rethinking how soon I wanna travel abroad...
After that, I started talking about my researching gay culture in Britain, how I wanted to post Maxxie, blah blah blah.
Can you tell I hate re-writing what was once there but was then erased? Yea, dont expect me to do a whole lotta edits.
Thats why I like blogging. Its a free-flow write-fest, and it all just comes out.
So basically, thats my first post. Lets see how it turned out in the preview!
Oooh! I like it, i like it! Now I just need to figure out how to edit font and stuff.... oh well.
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